RE Leader: Mrs Anderson
What do we want our children to achieve from our Religious Education curriculum?
Within an increasingly diverse world, it is essential that our children have a secure understanding of the role of religion in our society and the importance of a range of different beliefs and indeed, non-religious beliefs. The principal aim of religious education is to explore what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, so that pupils can gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living. At Broomhill Primary School, we believe that the study of religious education is closely interlinked with the promotion of British Values. We aim to provide an RE curriculum which equips our children with heightened empathy and respect for others, an ability to challenge stereotypes and prejudice, a sense of identity and belonging and an understanding of a variety of religions.
How do we ensure that this happens?
At Broomhill Primary School, we follow Northumberland County Council's agreed syllabus for RE. These units are taught weekly every other half term and can be viewed in the long term plan document below. 
Furthermore, fortnightly church assemblies led by representatives from our local church (St. John's) help our children to deepen their understanding of what faith means in their community. Also, we celebrate a diverse range of religious festivals and events through our weekly assemblies to provide children with a better understanding of different beliefs across society.
Please note that parents/carers have the right to withdraw their child from RE lessons. Please contact school to discuss this further if required.